We’ve listed some of the circumstances that often result in changes affecting the interest owner. Please note there may be variations in laws outside of the general guidance listed below according to differing jurisdictions where the property is located.

Helpful references for downloading:

Address, phone, fax or email address has changed:
Complete change of address form and return with signature and SSN to Division Order Department (Download Address Change Form Here)

Name change due to marriage, divorce:
Recorded Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decree specifying name change or other documents affecting name change

Merger or change to corporation or company name:
Certificate of Name Change, Certificate of Merger and Executed W9 (Download W-9 Form)

Appointment of Attorney-In-Fact:
Power of Attorney

Transfer of Interest (Sale of Interest):
Conveyance document recorded in county/parish in which property is located

Trusts and Partnerships:
Conveyance of interest into or out of trust/partnership recorded in county/parish in which property is located, copy of trust/partnership agreement, instruments pertaining to successor trustee, and executed W9 (Download W-9 Form)